
Grace in Small Things 3/365

1. Purple Coats
2. Slice of Pink
3. A new wall quote at work. I can't remember it, it was good.
4. Glow in the dark framed glasses
5. Love letters.

I'm hilarious.

“He does things for me no one else will. Like laugh at my jokes. Not that he thinks they are funny. You see, I am not funny. But because he knows I am not funny and he knows no one else will laugh. So to save me from my own embarrassment, he laughs. When no one else will. No one thinks of me any differently because at least someone laughed at my joke. They just look at him judgingly because he laughed at my not so funny joke. Sacrifice.” I think that’s nice.



1. Pineapple and Pepperoni Pizza
2. Painting parties with friends.
3. Plumbers.
4. Prints on shower curtains.
5. Alliteration


I'm in- 1/365

I am waging a battle against embitterment as well.

Grace in Small Things. 1/365

1. Stars, the band.
2. Stars, in the sky.
3.Books that remind you of your life.
4. Oranges
5. Warm Blankets.

Friends, Paint, and Pizza: Could it get any better?

As of today I am beginning the paining of my new house. Not exactly my new house as i don't actually pay for it or contribute one bit financially. But I live here so it's mine.

Well I picked out paint colors and am currently in the task of covering the new carpet so it doesn't get, well painted. I assumed painting would be a fun and joyous occasion. As I love to paint. Painting a house however is nowhere near the same. It is frustrating and tedious and lonely. I am doing it alone. Until tomorrow and Thursday; some of the ladies I love will be over to help me and eat pizza and talk about boys and girls, I'm sure. I am looking forward to a splendid and enchanting evening of friends, paint, and pizza.

I will take before and after pictures. I didn't pick the colors as I am not a very decisive person. Mostly my mom picked and I agreed with any choices she had because as long as it wasn't black walls I pretty much didn't care one way or another. But I will be putting in the work to make this house prettier than a hospital room with bare white walls. Good luck to me.


2009: the good, the bad, and the beautiful.

I've had this blog for quite some time. I have not, however, kept up with it at all.
On January 1st 2009 I had no resolution. I just laughed and enjoyed my evening but no resolution. I had previously spoken to my friend Justin only to decide upon fixing things with those who I hadn't spoken to in years. But that wasn't my resolution. As of then I have thought of a few but decided upon none. Now, granted, it is the 25th of January I have concluded my resolution. I am going to write in my blog and actually devote time to being an excellent blogger. A blogger extraordinaire!

I am 20 years old. I love rainbows and butterflys, sunsets and photographs. I like to read, I love art, and my glass is generally more than halfway full. Nice to meet you.