
To the edge of the world and back.

I have incredible friends. My painting party did not go as planned. We mostly sat and ate pizza and talked. It was very much worth it. This weekend however was incredible and hilarious. I went to UCLA. With my friends. It was not the best time I have ever had there. The next night however, was amazing. I had a small shin dig with Digorno Pizza and friends. We sat and talked, listened to music and had a good time. I had to tell someone a secret I knew about his ex-girlfriend and my ex-boyfriend. It was tragic but necessary. I also danced, laughed, and smiled a lot.

We sat talking about high school and now and someone said. You guys had super shady friends. I thought about it and it is more than true. The boys liked all the girls and anyone's relationship never seemed to really stand in anyone's way. I like my now friends. They are respectful and know the friend rules of life. We all have an incredible time. We can sit and do nothing or go to the edge of the world and back.


Grace in Small Things 8/365

1. sleeping in.
2. Extreme Makeover:home edition
3. kids cones
4. lunch with my sister
5. laying in bed talking


6 and 7

Due to my unreliable internet I cannot post the way I would love to. But I write them down.
1. Microwave meals when you are too hungry and working
2. Thinking of the games you played as a kid.
3. A "just to say I love you" message on your phone when you get off work
2. Taylor Swift
1. Taking a nap.

5. Bj's chili cheese fries (with no sour cream.
4. The Boondock Saints with friends.
3. The smell of vanilla candles
2. A swiffer wet jet
1. Ricardo getting his cell phone back.


Inconsistencies. My apologies.

So I didn't have a computer so I did not get to post my grace in small things fro Friday or Saturday but I do today, although it's reliability is nowhere near good.

Well here is my 4 and 5.... I wrote them down in my Moleskine Notebook for safe keeping

4/365 Grace in Small Things
1. Dancing till your feet hurt.
2. Getting to know relatively new coworkers.
3. Mi Ranchito Tacos in 20 minutes with friends.
4. Costume Parties
5. The toast your butt option in some cars.

1. almost being done unpacking.
2. Sunny Delight
3. Parties with friends
4. recovering from two nights of fun
5. my friends. they are amazing.